Reiki History: Reiki has a rich history beginning in Japan over 100 years ago. The story of the lineage I belong to begins with Mikao Usui who received the treatment information while meditating on the mountain Kurama Yama. The second teacher in the lineage is Chujiro Hayashi and he was the teacher of Hawayo Takata who studied with him in Japan before bringing Reiki to Hawaii. Hawayo Takata developed the hand treatment patterns we still use today during treatment. Hawayo Takata taught 22 Master Teachers one of which was John Harvey Gray of The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing in Jaffery New Hampshire. The sole lineage bearer of John Harvey Gray is his Wife, Lourdes Gray, whom I've been studying with.
So What Exactly Is It? Reiki is an intelligent universal life energy that balances the body's energy field and chakras to relieve stress, promote relaxation, and assist in the body's natural healing process. By providing the body with Reiki energy the body can promote its own healing, balance emotions and spirit, relieve pain, and promote well being. Because Reiki is intelligent as it enters your body through different hand positions if begins to saturate that area with additional energy and then diffuse through the body going wherever its assistance is most needed. Sometimes it is helpful to think of Reiki as being put on a big battery charger and sometimes it takes awhile for the body to re-charge and a series of Reiki Sessions is advised, especially for a chronic issues. Fortunately we have a variety of Reiki Treatment Sessions suitable for all budgets.
What to Expect During and After a Session: The key to a good Reiki Treatment lies in the intake process. At the start of the session we'll take the time to review some of your current concerns, surgery and accident history, and spend time exploring some of your life and health goals for the Mental/Emotional sections of the Reiki Treatment. After the intake is complete you'll be able to get on the table fully clothed (for an in person session - remote sessions you get to relax wherever is most comfortable to you). You'll begin lying face up on the table for the full body evaluation and start of treatment.
For the evaluation my hands will be working above the body in your energy field (aura) once treatment begins my hands can be either on the body or off the body whichever you are most comfortable with. Once the core of the front body is treated we'll begin the Mental/Emotional Treatment by working on your head - many times clients report feeling very sleepy during the portion of the treatment. The Mental/Emotional treatment is an excellent time to work on life goals, changing habits, or to promote a specific result for your healing. After working on your head you will be asked to lay face down on the table so your back, knees, and feet can be treated. After this is complete you will be asked to lay face up again on the table for the closing of the session. For the most part this pattern is followed for each session to ensure that Reiki is able to reach and treat all areas of the body. At times during the session optional positions or techniques will be added to treat a specific issue.
After your session you will feel relaxed and calm, we will review a few questions on the intake before sending you on your way. It is important to take some extra time that day to be kind to your body, drink water, eat a good meal, and rest if tired. Sometimes after your first session if there are a lot of toxins that need to be released from the body you can have what is called a "Healing Reaction" this may include a headache, upset stomach, or feeling sick. If you experience a Healing Reaction that is a good sign that the Reiki is helping you clear out toxins from your body. If you do experience a healing reaction please contact me.
So How Come it Doesn't Feel Like you Did Anything? Energy work can be very subtle and everyone experiences Reiki in different ways. Some feel heat or tingling during their session, others may experience tissue releases or visuals, and some feel nothing at all. Whatever your experience is it's right for you and what your body needs at that time. Overall you'll feel relaxed and refreshed after a session and the Reiki Energy will continue to work with you as you go about your day. As with many forms of body work and energy work a series of sessions is recommended especially if you are dealing with a chronic issue.
So How Can it Help Me? Essentially if you've got a body you can benefit from Reiki. Unlike CST Reiki has no contraindications and it truly is suitable for everyone at every stage of life. Because Reiki is an intelligent energy it will go where it is needed most and work in assisting your body as it heals itself.
At our practice we are always striving to make Reiki accessible to all who are interested and if you have special considerations that need to be taken in order to be comfortable at an appointment just let us know ahead of time and we can prepare the space just for you. This includes but is not limited to mobility restrictions, sensory sensitivities (light, sound, smell, touch, etc), or inability to recline without pain. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 we are unable to make home calls to those that are homebound but we are able to offer remote Reiki Sessions in the interim.